Will Written on Separate Pieces of Cardboard Ruled Valid
In an unusual case, the High Court has ruled that a will a man had written on two pieces of cardboard should be admitted to probate. The will, which...
Continue readingThe National news has been buzzing about the Morrison’s supermarket case and the possible implication for the actions of a staff member who physically attacked a customer. This followed a decision of the Supreme Court. As a direct consequence to this important judgement, any customer who is assaulted by an employee will find it much easier to claim compensation from the business itself. It is also likely that cases involving assaults or harassment between co-workers while at work could be decided differently as a result of this decision.
According to the news reports their employee was working at a Morrison’s petrol station in Birmingham when he punched and kicked a customer. In the case the customer claimed compensation, stating that he suffered psychological injuries and a head injury which led to epilepsy arising out of the assault. Morrison’s denied that they were liable for the action of their employee. The Supreme Court disagreed with them.
Melanie Neale a Personal Injury specialist at Hammersmith law firm Hubbard Pegman and Whitney (HPW) has had past experience in dealing with cases involving the relationship of employers, whose staff may have acted irresponsibly, causing injury and stress. This can also include stress related cases. Melanie says ‘that this is an important decision that could now affect many types of claims and business will find it harder to deny responsibly’.
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